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Other ways to help include digitizing, proofreading and formatting, or reporting errors. No special apps needed! TOC19 has a lot of fighter cards in it but these have been superseded by the faction books. The multiplayer battles have been updated in TOC20 paragraph 7 if you want to read the review and the final verdict sums up what is repeated.

Tale of Painters is an unofficial Warhammer hobby magazine run by hobbyists like you. Help us cover our monthly expenses so we can continue to bring you fantastic FREE content every day.

Here is what you can do:. Username or Email Address. Remember Me. Reviews , Warcry. Garfy , 12 months ago 5. Garfy Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.

Related posts. Garfy , 7 years ago. Stahly , 5 years ago. Age of Sigmar , Showcase , Warcry. Garfy , 1 year ago. Chat , Reviews. Stahly , 10 years ago. Sigur , 10 years ago. The discipline and training of the Ultramarines is without peer — their morale is unshakeable, and they remain combat effective even during a tactical redeployment.

Forged in the crucible of war, the Salamanders are flame bearers and warrior-craftsmen who hail from the volcanic death world of Nocturne. This brotherhood of onyx-skinned guardians has fought stoically to defend the Imperium for ten millennia, wielding master-wrought weapons to hammer the foe into oblivion. Their mastery over their wargear makes them more accurate and deadly. The Black Templars are valiant knights and pious champions, unusual among the Adeptus Astartes for venerating the Emperor as a literal god.

A fleet-based Chapter, they divide their forces into crusades and storm across the galaxy annihilating everything in their path. As befits the heirs of the legendary swordsman Sigismund, the Black Templars are specialists in the white-hot fury of close combat. On the tabletop they charge headlong into the fray. Take the fight to the enemy! The roaring of furious engines, deep rumbles of thundering armoured transports, screaming of heavy jump packs at full burn and ferocious war cries herald the devastating assault of the White Scars.

Formidable hunters drawn from fierce tribesmen, the White Scars smash through their foes like a spear through their prey. The White Scars are the Masters of high speed, hit-and-run warfare. They do battle on the move, wrong-footing their enemies with breakneck manoeuvres and melting away one moment only to crash home like a lightning strike elsewhere the next.

Adherents to cold logic, intolerant of weakness and utterly without mercy, the Iron Hands are implacable warriors whose resolve is as unflinching as solid adamantine.

They are relentless defenders of the Imperium who seek to replace the weakness of the flesh with the unyielding strength of the machine to attain perfection. To the Iron Hands, the flesh is weak. Though many Space Marine Chapters utilise bionics to replace body parts of their wounded that have been damaged beyond repair, the Iron Hands replace entirely functional limbs, organs and digits with mechanical augmentations.

These allow them to shrug off damage and stay in the fight longer. Masters of siege warfare, the Imperial Fists leave their enemy no place to hide.

They can dismantle fortifications with shocking ease, and target entrenched enemies with pinpoint-accurate firepower. They are amongst the most noble Space Marine Chapters, yet they bear a hideous curse they conceal from all outsiders and ever strive to resist. The Blood Angels are one of the most aggressive of all Chapters, quick to get stuck in with unique, melee-oriented units.

If you want to close ranks and tear your enemy apart in a bloody display of martial skill, this is your Chapter. The Chapter is a brotherhood of heroes seeking to forge their sagas of honour, ever hungry for glory and dedicated to defending the Imperium. The primal ferocity and independence of the Space Wolves makes them one of the most unique Chapters of Space Marines, including a wide variety of specialised units. The Dark Angels were the First Legion.

No other Space Marine brotherhood has served the Emperor for as long. Staunch defenders of Mankind, merciless on the attack and stubborn in defence. They are also shrouded in mystery, guarding secrets so shameful they are kept even from many of their own. The inclusion of specialised Ravenwing and Deathwing contingents makes the Dark Angels one of the most versatile armies, catering to a variety of play styles.

If you want to keep your tactical options open, this Chapter is a great choice. Masters of clandestine warfare and the shadowed blade, when the Raven Guard engage in open warfare, it is already too late for their enemies.

Sabotage, guerrilla tactics, and targeted strikes are the means by which the Raven Guard apply exactly the right amount of power to utterly destroy their foe. Both fast and stealthy, the Raven Guard are hard for your enemy to pin down. If you enjoy springing traps or coordinating a complicated all-out attack at just the right moment, the Raven Guard are for you. Savage and brutal to an extreme, these warriors will stop at nothing to close ranks and tear the enemy limb-from-limb.

If you like your Blood Angels even more aggressive, follow Gabriel Seth into battle! Tested like few others at the forefront of the endless war against the barbaric Orks, they forever rise to new glories as they strive to fulfil their duty.

The Crimson Fists spent arduous decades on the brink of extinction. This has inured them to pain, and also taught them the value of experience. If you like your Space Marines stubborn and battle-tested, choose the Crimson Fists. It is the task of the Deathwatch to defend the Imperium from the ravages of the xenos, countless species of which threaten Mankind in every corner of the galaxy. Drawing their numbers from almost every Space Marine Chapter, each is an elite alien killer of proven skill in battle.

Their focus and mission makes them unique amongst Space Marines, and their affiliation with the Inquisition grants them access to exceedingly rare and deadly weapons of war.

The Szarekhan Dynasty exhibit a deep-rooted ability to fashion and maintain the finest wargear of any Necron dynasty. Enemy fire ricochets harmlessly from their magnificent android forms while, in return, every blast and blade stroke the Szarekhan level at their enemies is lethal in the extreme.

The Szarekhan Dynasty are particularly resilient to psychic damage inflicted by their foes, while striking in return with deadly accuracy. Nothing can halt the inexorable march of the Sautekh.

These disdainful conquerors will stop at nothing to retake their ancient domain, obliterating any who dare to defy them in a storm of death and destruction. The Sautekh Dynasty make the most of Warriors and Immortals, with both unleashing rapid fire over longer ranges than their brethren in other dynasties — all the better to reclaim the galaxy!

The crimson hosts of Novokh remember well the sacred rites of blooding performed by their warriors in the ancient times. The Novokh Dynasty transform your Necrons into a savage close-combat force, with even humble Warriors capable of slicing apart lesser enemies. Regal and arrogant, the warriors of this proud dynasty will not give a single inch to their foes.

They stand their ground defiantly, unleashing a formidably accurate hail of fire that cleanses the stain of the lesser races from the Nihilakh rightful lands. This dynasty excels in taking and holding ground, fighting with extra tenacity to secure terrain — and, ultimately, victory.

Fast moving units can claim points from even dedicated defenders, while the core of your army is that much harder to shift in defence.

Their soldiery can utilise translocation beamer technology to transmute their bodies into living light in order to flicker across the battlefield. The Nephrekh Dynasty are the most mobile of the Necrons, capable of translocating to wherever they need to be on the tabletop with terrifying speed. The Mephrit have harnessed the wrath of captive stars to imbue into their weapons.

This raging solar energy confers immense raw power and can sear through even the thickest armour with ease. The Mephrit Dynasty are masters of the short-ranged firefight, striking with armour-rending force when close to their foes.

No amount of suffering is too great for them to bear, and all they endure is paid double to their foes. Valorous Heart armies can walk through a storm of bullets and survive unscathed. Their faith in the Emperor reduces the impact of incoming fire and shields them against damage. The more losses they take, the harder Sisters of Our Martyred Lady fight. If you want to battle to the last, with your units increasing in effectiveness as casualties mount, the Order of the Martyred Lady is for you.

Obstinate in their traditions and indomitable in combat, the Sisters of the Ebon Chalice seek to perfect the martial disciplines of the Daughters of the Emperor, employing tactics that have been honed over millennia to annihilate the enemies of the Imperium. Armies of the Ebon Chalice have ways to shrug off mortal wounds and make their Acts of Faith more effective, making them perfect for a player who wants to use precisely timed abilities to turn the tide of battle.

They are renowned for their speed in combat, and are often first into the fray, where their faith in their protector saint shines bright. Sisters of the Argent Shroud can fire their weapons at full effectiveness as they move forwards, allowing them to get into the perfect battlefield positions while raking the enemy with with withering firepower.

Their Wars of Faith are not waged to save the innocent, but to slaughter the guilty, for only in death can the vile be made pure. Bloody Rose units are more effective close to the enemy, striking hard and fast with pistols and melee weapons.

They will reward players who like to advance quickly and bring the battle to the foe. Wreathed in holy light and possessed of divine serenity, the Sisters of the Sacred Rose are the calm at the centre of a violent storm. Their hymns of hope and salvation are underscored in battle by the crack of bolts and the roar of burning promethium. Sisters of the Sacred Rose rarely flee, meaning that the enemy will have to work harder to kill them all. If you like an army that will stick around and stay effective into the late game, check them out.

Fear is a familiar weapon to the Imperium, used to deter enemies and keep seething populations in line. The Dread Host are among the most aggressive of their elite warrior brotherhood. If you seek to take the fight to the foe and unleash the destruction and terror upon them in the name of the Master of Mankind, the Dread Host is for you! The Solar Watch favour aggressive tactics and advance quickly on the foe while still laying down brutal fusillades from their guardian spears. Look no further for a swift and dynamic edge to your Adeptus Custodes.

To the Shadowkeepers falls the duty of standing guard over them unto the end of time. The Shadowkeepers are captors and gaolers without peer, making them especially deadly adversaries for enemy Characters. Give them nowhere to hide with the Shadowkeepers! In the days of the Great Crusade, the Emperor often entrusted crucial messages or artefacts to be borne by his Custodians. It is a duty they still fulfil now, speaking with the authority of the Master of Mankind himself.

Serving as the Voice of the Emperor, the Emissaries Imperatus both complement and greatly augment other Imperium factions in battle. As such, they make an excellent choice to field within a mixed army of the Imperium. Certain servants of the Emperor bear great responsibilities deemed directly relevant to the safety of Terra. Such esteemed figures are afforded the protection of the Aquilan Shield, at least until their usefulness is thought to be at its end.

As their name suggest, the Aquilan Shield are formed of the most stoic and determined warriors of the Adeptus Custodes. Situated on the cusp of the Eye of Terror, this forge world has long stood as a bulwark against the forces of Chaos.

Grim of demeanor and likeness, they reserve a special hatred for the twisted minions of the Dark Gods. Experts in defensive warfare, these stalwart soldiers are hard to shift from an entrenched position. If you like to hold your ground, look no further than the Skitarii of Agripinaa and their exotic allies. This forge world is actually a network of space stations capable of warp travel — though few outsiders are made aware of this capability. Their warriors are hardwired to be intensely dogmatic, rational and logical almost to a fault.

All Skitarii are stubborn, but the soldiers of Graia refuse to retreat even in face of overwhelming odds. Situated on a hollow world with an artificial sun inside it, Lucius has become one of the most productive forge worlds in the Imperium.

Lacking natural resources as it does, their armies can be found marching to war anywhere ore and raw materials can be found. The wargear produced on Lucius is of impeccable craftsmanship, using a unique alloys called Luciun. This offers their warriors superior protection that allows them to shrug off small arms fire — ideal if you want to take on hordes of lesser enemies. The Red Planet is the ancient seat of the Adeptus Mechanicus, stretching far back before the birth of the Imperium.

The troops raised there are justifiably proud, and as well equipped as any Skitarii force in the galaxy. Clad in the heraldry of Mars itself, their faith in the Cult Mechanicus is beyond reproach. Their unquestioning loyalty allows them to draw power and strength from their worship of the Omnissiah, keeping them mighty throughout the entire game.

Having long since destroyed all life on their forge world in the pursuit of industrial efficiency, the entire surface of their planit is clad in hissing pistons, glowing forges, and industrial waste. Their white-robed warriors march to war to spread the purity of the machine to unbelievers. Relentless is the word often used to describe the Skitarii of Metalica. If you like to advance implacably forward without reducing your rate of fire, Metalica lets you do just that.

Having been invaded not once, but twice by Orks, the Tech-Priests of Ryza have been able to monitor and optimise their weapons and strategies using copious amounts of first-hand data. More aggressive than other forge worlds, the warriors of Ryza utilise deadly martial training protocols to inflict maximum damage at close quarters. Not a fan of massive gunlines? Get stuck in with Ryza. Mistrusted even by their peers, this forge world was once saved with the aid of the Aeldari.

Secretive to an extreme, they are surrounded by dark whispers of research into forbidden xenos technology. A mysterious force protects the warriors of Stygies VIII, making it harder for your opponent to land shots. If you like your cyborg soldiers sneaky, this is the faction for you. For thousands of years, the people of Cadia have known nought but war.

All Cadians — no matter their age, gender or station — must know how to fight, and be capable of facing with unwavering courage all the horrors that proliferate in the 41st Millennium. Cadians are the quintessential Astra Militarum force. If you want an army that have been forged into expert sharp-shooters by decades of rigorous firing drills, choose them and cut down hordes of enemy fighters with accurate shooting. Catachan is one of the most notorious death worlds in the Imperium, and its planet-wide jungles are lethal beyond reason.

Thanks to this brutal environment, Catachans are physically and mentally resilient on a level that much of Humanity simply cannot match. In the deadly jungles of Catachan, only the strongest can hope to survive. Choose the sons and daughters of this death world to command an army of ferocious warriors who are taller and more powerful than typical humans.

The regiments of Valhalla have a reputation for stoicism and dedication to the Emperor. When attacking, they are renowned for combining massed artillery barrages with infantry assault waves. When defending they show dogged determination, even in the face of defeat. Want an army possessed of a grim fatalism regarding the prospect of death? Then get some Valhallan Ice Warriors, they will march unflinchingly into even the most hellish of firestorms, claiming victory against all the odds.

For ten thousand years the Vostroyans have given up the firstborn child of every family for service in the Imperial Guard. There are no exceptions to this. Even the greatest noble families must comply. Each wields a lovingly hand-crafted weapon, engraved with intricate ornamental detail. These are no artisanal trinkets, however, as victims of their deadly accurate firepower will attest.

While it is difficult for most Imperial commanders and Planetary Governors to obtain and maintain enough of the vehicles needed for such formations, Armageddon has produced hundreds of these swift-moving regiments. Crush your foes beneath the tracks of the Steel Legions of Armageddon. They employ more tanks and vehicles than any other regiment and butcher their enemies with a completely dispassionate efficiency.

The regiments drawn from Tallarn consist of mobile guerrilla fighters, evasive as they are opportunistic. They are masters of hit-and-run warfare, striking a killing blow at the heart of an enemy formation before returning to their own lines, prepared to pounce once more.

Surprise your enemies with the lightning ambushes of the regiments of Tallarn. If you want to strike with overwhelming force before swiftly fading into the wilderness as if your army was never there at all, then this is the army for you.

The Mordian Iron Guard are superbly drilled and accoutred soldiers from a world bathed in perpetual night and cursed by the attentions of Chaos. In battle, the Iron Guard present a solid wall of brightly uniformed, flawlessly formed troops.

Are you a fan of proud, unyielding soldiers? Then the Mordians are for you. They fight and die facing the enemy, standing tall in perfectly ordered ranks and unleashing volley after volley of devastating las-fire. Militarum Tempestus Scions are cold, proficient killers whose deadly firepower reduces foes to smouldering heaps of corpses. Trained in the Schola Progenium, these men commit to a rigorous program of physical and mental indoctrination that raises them to the peak of human conditioning.

Command the very best of the best with the Scions of the Militarum Tempestus. These merciless killers are trained to completely obliterate their foes in a pinpoint fusillade of hot-shot las rounds. The Daemons of Tzeentch surround themselves in layer upon layer of mind-traps and illusions, each mirage shifting into the next.

The result utterly confounds those nearby that would do the Daemons harm, and means their attacks are often ineffective. Daemons of Tzeentch forces are psychic powerhouses, using warpflame to smite their enemies on the tabletop with incredible effect.

The Daemons of Nurgle are surrounded by an aura of pestilence and disease that infects all nearby, as their talons and blades drip with thrice-ripened plagues.

The merest touch of these weapons, in the presence of such a creature, can cause a mortal to wither and die in seconds. Nurgle armies are slow and indomitable.

They crush the enemy with tides of Plaguebearers, while using vast Great Unclean Ones and Beasts of Nurgle to do devastating damage in close combat. The Daemons of Slaanesh dance across the battlefield with a grace and speed that belies belief. They can close the killing fields of a battlefield in a heartbeat, falling upon their surprised and panic-stricken prey with psychotic delight. The Daemons of Khorne perceive everything through a red mist of undiluted rage, and they cannot wait to spill blood.

They surge across the battlefield to get to grips with their foes as quickly as possible so that the slaughter can begin in earnest.

Khorne armies are simple, brutal, and effective, using elite close-combat infantry and cavalry supported by rampaging Bloodthirsters to crush the opponent up close — ideal for countering shooting forces. Of all the Iconoclast houses, there are none more bold nor tenacious than House Lucaris. House Lucaris armies are focused on close combat, striking with savage accuracy on the charge and making them a great force for fans of Knight Rampagers.

The Fallen Nobles of House Herpetrax are indomitable, refusing to yield even as their Knight suits burn around them. House Hereptrax Knights are durable even by the terrifying standards of their brethren. They fight on where lesser Knights would have fallen, forcing your enemies to dedicate extra resources to slaying your war machines. When the Cicatrix Maledictum tore across the stars, the Knights of House Khymere were amongst the nightmarish warriors who burst from the Great Rift to prey upon the worlds of the Imperium.

House Khymere forces are most effective up-close and personal, unleashing devastating melee attacks that wound even the toughest foes with ease while shattering the morale of lesser enemies. Centuries of service to these uncompromising masters has made them incredibly effective warriors. House Vextrix forces are punishingly accurate, making them great at both shooting and brutal melee.

No Imperial record exists of the nightmares that befell the world of Matarakh, but the Khomentis Knights now fight for the Dark Mechanicum.


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