Wall street prep premium package free download
Please note you must use the registration links provided below. Wall Street Prep. Register Here Basic Package — Financial Statement Modeling Learn financial statement modeling and modeling best practices, using an intuitive step-by-step approach. Designed for investment bankers and private equity professionals. Register Here Real Estate Financial Modeling This program breaks down everything you need to build and interpret real estate finance models.
Understand the real estate industry's unique drivers and challenges. Learn to build a REIT financial model from scratch. Register Here The Ultimate Project Finance Modeling Package Everything you need to build and interpret project finance models for a transaction the way it's done on the job.
Contact Us Interested in learning more? Programs and Events. About the Research Challenge. View all Free Content. You don't have access to this course, but you can purchase it below. Basic Package 81 Lessons.
Included in: Premium Package ,. Your browser does not support the video tag. Develop a 3-statement model from scratch, inputting historical data and assumptions to project out financial statements using step-by-step instruction.
Learn core concepts that lay the foundation for other key modeling methodologies included in our flagship financial and valuation modeling program. For students and professionals pursuing a career in investment banking, private equity, corporate finance or equity research.
Prerequisites The program assumes a basic introductory knowledge of accounting e. Financial Statement Modeling Overview. Financial Modeling Best Practices. Preparing for Our Case Study. Laborum id magnam ut aperiam neque velit excepturi eveniet. Placeat quaerat commodi deserunt omnis eius facere. Facere illum laboriosam aut et dolores. Quia molestiae ipsa et tempore. WSO depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. You can download this screenshot as image or copy to clipboard using browser's context menu.
Join Us. Already a member? Popular Content See all. I came to the firm as a mid-career professional after having a background in consulting, tech and a variety of other companies.
I now lead a team of 15 people, I'm making more money t…. Fwiw, I'm a junior banker. I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here. Having an on-site office presence foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It's in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bull…. I want to read the whole story. For analysts who in cities that would require a car like LA , what cars do analysts usually drive?
Anyone have experience doing IB with a long distance gf? I could have partied so much more instead of studying and learning things while so many people were partying all week during high-school. I could have fucked so many girls during college instead of travelling for hours to meet bankers, financiers and family friends to network, and study all wee…. The firm pays street comp so I should be looking at total compensation in the k range as an AN1. In this course, you will develop a 3-statement model completely from scratch, inputting historical d View Course TOC.
X Course TOC. At completion, you will have developed a c At completion, you will have developed a complete and comprehensive three-statement model using various supporting schedules. This course lays the foundation of Wall Street Prep's Financial and Valuation Modeling Certification Program as well as other industry-specific financial modeling programs.
More Less. Financial Statement Modeling Overview. Financial Modeling Best Practices. Preparing for Our Case Study. Inputting Historical Financial Data.
Forecasting the Income Statement. Forecasting the Balance Sheet. Cash Flow Statement. Balance Sheet Schedules. Consensus Revolver; Cash and Circularity. Sensitivity Tables and Scenario Analysis. Modeling Earnings Per Share. Balancing a Model. Digging Deeper on Working Capital. Depreciation Waterfall. DCF Modeling 65 Lessons. Building on the knowledge gained from the financial statement modeling course, you will be introduced to valuation analysis in general, and the DCF model in particular.
We will continue to use Apple as the case study, and teach you how to value the company step-by-step. Along the way, you will learn how to estimate the weighted average cost of capi We will continue to use Apple a Building on the knowledge gained from the financial statement modeling course, you will be introduce Along the way, you will learn Along the way, you will learn how to estimate the weighted average cost of capital WACC in the real world, how to implement commonly used approaches to calculating terminal value, and all the nuances of DCF modeling.
Finally, we will use data tables to analyze a broad range of scenarios given different assumptions. DCF Overview. Equity Value Market Value Relative Valuation DCF Mechanics. Comps in the Real World, Part 1 Comps in the Real World, Part 2 Levered DCF Approach Levered Concept Check Presenting the DCF Output. Mid-Year Convention. Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Additional DCF Considerations.
DCF Appendix. In this course, you will learn how investment banking and corporate finance professionals model mergers and acquisitions. In this course, you will learn how investment banking and corporate finance professionals model merg Chapter 1: Overview. Chapter 4: Modeling. Floating Exchange Ratios, Part 1 Floating Exchange Ratios, Part 2 Floating Exchange Ratios, Part 3 Trading Comps Modeling 54 Lessons.
In this course, trainees learn how to select and "scrub" comparables, pick the right multiples and build dynamic comps models in Excel from scratch, using real case studies, In this course, trainees In this course, trainees learn how to select and "scrub" comparables, pick the right multiples and build dynamic comps model In this course, trainees learn how to select and "scrub" comparables, pick the right multiples and build dynamic comps models in Excel from scratch, using real case studies, industry best practices, and sensitivity analyses.
Chapter 1: Introduction. Transaction Comps Modeling 51 Lessons.