Free download police promotion study
Please do post my email. It's a great program and will help anyone willing to put the time into studying for the test. This was my first promotional test and I had no clue what to expect. I found every aspect of the online learning and downloadable tests priceless in my preparation. Going into my oral assessment I knew that I had to score very high due to seniority and the overall weight of the assessment.
Utilizing your online video resources for a better oral assessment gave me the edge I needed. Again, I placed first on my oral assessment with an overall 69 out of I will quote my chief when she gave me the news of my new promotion, "it wasn't even close. JF, Ohio Quoted with permission. Note: online video resources courtesy of our affiliate Finests.
I recently took a Sergeant promotional exam at my agency and used your website at the urging of some co-workers. I am happy to report I finished 1 overall and was immediately promoted to the position of Sergeant! I studied for the written exam using the flashcards and practice tests on a daily basis.
I know this study material helped me focus and provided direction for my efforts. Putting myself on a strict schedule and taking over fifty tests on the site, I was preparing for the Lieutenant Promotional Exam with my agency.
Well, now that both portions of the test are over, I am happy to say that I finished first in the process. In March of this year, I bought four of your testing materials and used your oral board videos.
I was one of seventeen officers that tested for Lt. After two months of studying using your materials, I came out in first place and now am a Lt. I could not have done this without your study materials and videos. CR, Tennessee. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind, that without Policecareer. Steve L. I would not have known how much needed to go into preparation if it were not for you! I finished 2 out of 46 overall and am getting promoted November 7th.
After reading the books and practicing with your tests, on test day I felt very little nervousness and was completely prepared. I was just called by the Chief and he told me I was promoted to Sergeant! I will definitely be recommending this service to future sergeant candidates.
I read the many testimonials and felt compelled to relay my success as well. I also placed first on the written test and received the promotion of Sergeant. Thanks again, money well spent! Kohli - OH - Quoted with permission.
Anthony Buchanico - PA - Quoted with permission. I am pleased to inform you that I scored first on both the written test and the oral interview. I am going to be promoted from the rank of corporal to the rank of sergeant on December Thank you again for offering this program! Jason Negron, PA - Quoted with permission. I would recommend your testing site to anyone preparing for a promotional exam.
I ended up finishing second with a score of I was recently promoted and can happily say that without your tests, I would not be wearing my stripes today. Thank you PoliceCareer. Kostick, Florida Quoted with permission.
Thank you very much for your guidance! Jeff Twardzik, Michigan - Quoted with permission. I used the tools on your site and came out number one on the exam and on the promotion list. Thank you and I will recommend your site to my friends.
I studied regularly. Over 90 police officers took the test and I scored the best, 1 on the list. Croix , Virgin Islands - Quoted with permission. Thanks so much! McCune, Ohio - Quoted with permission. My score was the highest on the written test and I finished 1 overall! Shane Wimer, CA - Quoted with permission. Your tests enabled me to finish 1 on our promotional list for Sergeant, and I was promoted! Absolutely the best money I could have spent! I had my promotion ceremony last week and take over my shift of officers tonight.
Thank you again. BUT not only did I pass, I received the second highest written score! Thanks a lot! I received my test scores today and am very happy to say that I scored 1 overall and I will be promoted next Thursday!
With the help of your tests and flash cards I was able to come out 1 on my promotional exam out of 2, applicants. I would recommend you guys to everyone. Thanks you so much! The on-line testing was also extremely valuable in answering some of my oral board questions.
Thank you for your prompt attention to my questions during my pre-exam studying. Keep up the great work! I bought it 3 days before my test and took it multiple times, using it with my text book to drill down where the questions came from.
I scored 1 on the written exam out of 60 people sitting for the Lt exam. Separate yourself from the rest of the pack - highly recommended!. The flash cards were easy to use and allowed for repetitive studying while on the go.
I spent a lot of time going over the flash cards while waiting to pick the kids up from school or practice. We have used it thousands of times to assist police promotional candidates in passing their structured, oral and panel interviews. Regardless of rank you are testing for , this practice in-basket will identify your:.
You can use this in-basket exercise to practice with as often as you like. Think in-basket assessments are EASY? They're NOT, and you'll see why. You don't just read a few phone messages and emails and jot down a few notes. An in-basket assessment you will undergo for a police promotion contains pages and pages of background material and takes a great deal of concentration and organizational ability, and the ability to work quickly under pressure.
You must also study pages of material such as:. Then you are presented with a detailed scenario along with 10 to 20 in-basket items, all the while a clock is ticking down the time. Here are some of the dimensions you are graded on in an in-basket assessment center exercise; Comprehension ability Written communication ability Verbal communication ability Planning and organization Problem analysis Ability to take risks Judgment Decisiveness Delegation Initiative At the conclusion of the in-basket you are interviewed by the assessors.
The tests you had really helped me. My promotion was to Sergeant! I finished 1 in both promotional processes. I had my choice of promotion! Thanks again, your product was certainly a benefit to my promotion. I not only was well prepared but I also placed 1 on both written tests out of nearly applicants on each test.
I highly recommend your website just not to those people who are competing against me! Thanks to the services and material your company provided I placed first on the exam and was promoted to Sergeant this past week. Thank you for your commitment to the law enforcement community. Be blessed. Promotion exams coming up?
Give yourself a REAL advantage over the competition! Real Results We are the national leader in preparing law officers for their written promotion exams. FREE - Receive an immediate login. Take short, sample exams and try the online flashcards from all of the above pictured textbooks - and many more - at no cost. Use your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac. Your email address is never shared. You can unsubscribe with 1-click. We have law enforcement promotional exams from state and national legal titles, as well as supervision, management, administration, leadership, ethics, criminal investigation, field operations, community and problem-oriented policing, intelligence-led policing , and other popular topics.
No cost - Try our Police Promotion System! Using your smartphone, or any device with a modern browser, you can try a few short, sample online law enforcement promotional exams and flashcards - at no cost. You'll receive an email with your login in the next few minutes.
Then learn more about our police promotional exams and study system. Your email and all your information is safe - here is our Security and Privacy Policy. Take short, sample police promotional exams and use online flash cards right now from these popular textbooks :.
Our Testing Center is open 9 a. Eastern 7 days, including holidays. Email Our Testing Center for a quick reply. Privacy Policy.
Here are the best Police Promotion Textbook Resources! Learn everything there is to know about the professional textbooks being used in today's most comprehensive and difficult Police Promotional Exams! Learn the best place to buy or rent the textbooks, links to borrow from a nearby library, and also obtain online and desktop exams and flashcards.
Exams and flashcards from the 9th and 8th editions are also available. More books from Rolando V. DeLattre Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing is a very popular title for corporal, sergeant and lieutenant promotion exams. We specialize in Character and Cops Exam Questions. Community Policing a Contemporary Perspective is a popular choice for corporal, sergeant and lieutenant promotion exams.
Exams and flashcards from the 7th and 6th editions also available. Exams and flashcards from the 10th and 9th editions also available.