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Joris Joris 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 18 18 bronze badges. Is there anything that prevents you from upgrading to newer gms?
I just saw your question after posting mine. We seem to have the same problem. Prokhorov Upgrading give me new errors and create conflicts with react-native-firebase — Joris.
LaurentS Yes it's the same, I also have the error with dependency 'com. Just found this as a likely culprit: developers. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.
Laurent S Laurent S 3, 3 3 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 44 44 bronze badges. Rommel Delgado Rommel Delgado 17 2 2 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. Active 4 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 23k times. IOException: Invalid device key response. Improve this question. Josema Josema 1 1 gold badge 5 5 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.
Also removed related in-app purchase classes. VideoLifecycleCallbacks class. Added the ability to enable immersive mode on full-screen ads by adding the setImmersiveMode method to the PublisherInterstitialAd and RewardedVideoAd classes.
Builder class for use with AdLoader for native-plus-banner requests. Added the optional OnImmersiveModeUpdatedListener interface that mediation adapters can implement to be informed of immersive mode updates. Added keep rules to automatically preserve mediation adapter class names when using ProGuard. Apps developed using SDK release To learn more about your options, including building multiple APKs to extend your app's support for Android Gingerbread, see the Android Developers Blog.
Added support for video assets for Native Advanced content and custom template ads. Added the AdChoicesView class. Added the InitializableMediationRewardedVideoAdAdapter interface for rewarded video mediation adapters that want to opt in to early initialization before an ad request is made. Added support for in-app preview and troubleshooting in Google Ad Manager.
Initialize Context has been un-deprecated. Google Ad Manager publishers should call this method when initializing their apps. AdMob publishers should still use MobileAds. Initialize Context, String and pass their application code. Added support for rewarded video custom events.
Builder class, which app publishers can now use to specify the location of their AdChoices in native ads. Video ad playback has been improved with several bug fixes. Publishers no longer need a keep option for com. Added support for Rewarded Video mediation custom events.
Added video options for Native Express ads. Added setAppMuted method. The MobileAds. Context, java. String method is no longer deprecated. Context method is now deprecated. Added the MediationNativeListener. For this release only , apps that use ProGuard to post-process their application need to add the following keep option to their ProGuard configuration file: -keep public com. Implemented bug fixes and improvements.
Builder and PublisherAdRequest. Added a destroy method to NativeAdView. Deprecated PublisherAdRequest. Builder setManualImpressionsEnabled. Added support for custom native ad formats, available for Ad Manager reservations.
Fixed an issue causing PublisherAdView. Added the setRequestAgent method to AdRequest. This method should be used to denote ad request origins by third parties that mediate to the Mobile Ads SDK. Deep color. Downloadable fonts. Applications no longer need to bundle custom fonts, which helps reduce their size. Install unknown apps. Integrated printing support.
Linkable files. API that allows you to share files across the Internet via web links. Notification categories. Notification snoozing. Pointer capture. Pointer capture allows the app to capture all mouse input. Project Treble. TextView autosizing. Support for tooltips small popup windows with descriptive text for views and menu items. Wi-Fi Assistant.