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Abstract Background Smartphone usage has spread to many settings including that of healthcare with numerous potential and realised benefits. Methods An online survey of medical student and foundation level junior doctor cohorts was undertaken within one United Kingdom healthcare region.
Results medical students and junior doctors responded, equating to a response rate of Conclusions This study found a high level of smartphone ownership and usage among medical students and junior doctors. Background Smartphones have become ubiquitous among the general public. Results Findings from each survey are presented separately; where applicable common data is presented together enabling comparisons between surveys groups to be made.
Junior doctors Of the junior doctors surveyed answered the questionnaire, out of a possible cohort of employed foundation level trainees; equating to a return rate of Table 1 Percentage of medical students and junior doctors owning medical related smartphone apps Full size table.
Table 2 Frequency of use of medical related apps within medical student and junior doctor groups Full size table. Table 3 Daily use, in minutes, of medical related apps within medical student and junior doctor groups Full size table. Figure 1. Full size image. Figure 2. Table 4 Type of app listed as desirable by medical student and junior doctor population , with number of respondents indicated Full size table.
Discussion This study represents primary research for the UK, the first formal survey to investigate smartphone ownership and usage in a junior doctor and medical student population; this data adds valuable insight to an evolving UK healthcare system.
Numbers owning a smartphone and frequency of medical app use A systematic review by Garritty et al. Future app development From the analysis of open text entry data, there is a clear trend that both students and doctors want apps linked to their respective organisations.
Negative aspects of using smartphones Concern about the cost of a smartphone and medical apps is an important finding among both student and doctor groups. Conclusion Smartphones will soon be universally owned among the medical profession and offer a real opportunity to impact on the efficiency of working practices and patient care with minimal capital outlay for healthcare organisations.
Please state your gender: a Male b Female 2. Do you own an application smartphone? Concerning your smartphone, do you own medical related applications? Please estimate the frequency, during working hours, you utilise medical applications on your smartphone: a Several times a day b Once or twice a day c 2—3 times a week d once a week e rarely used f never used 7. Would you utilise a smartphone app specific to your Medical School? Please detail any further comments you have regarding your use of medical related smartphone applications in the clinical environment: Which specific apps would you recommend?
If so, why do you find your smartphone useful at work? Please state your current year of study: a 1 st year b 2 nd year c 3 rd year pre-clinical d 3 rd year clinical e 4 th year f 5 th year 3. Please indicate how you use medical related app: you may choose more than one answer a Education — revising b Education — learning c Clinical — ward environment d Clinical — clinic environment 6.
Please detail any further comments you have regarding your use of medical related smartphone applications in the clinical environment: What characteristics would you find useful in a Medical School linked app? References 1. Article PubMed Google Scholar 4.
Article PubMed Google Scholar 7. PubMed Google Scholar 9. Article PubMed Google Scholar PubMed Google Scholar Acknowledgements We acknowledge the contributions of Jo Cooper at the early stages of this project and Simon Timbrell for organising the data collection from the medical student population. View author publications. Additional information Competing interests The authors declared that they have no competing interest. About this article Cite this article Payne, K. Copy to clipboard.
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