The book lit! by tony reinke free download

Samuel Ward, Living Faith Banner, A short page booklet that is loaded with wisdom. Whenever I travel I keep this little book in my backpack. Our faith takes us to the third heaven. This book makes a great gift, too. Charles J. Danny E. This book is a collection of brilliant quotes, organized topically. If I ever meet Olinger, I will give him a bear hug, lift him from the ground, and spin him in a circle! Tom Rath, StrengthsFinder 2. This book is built around an online test that gauges personal strengths.

The test revealed my five personal strengths after completing a minute multiple-choice test. This simple exercise was life-focusing no hyperbole! The results of this test have helped bring clarity to my daily priorities and direction to the long-term goals that I set. The test and the book also helped me discover personal weaknesses. By seeing these weaknesses I can better appreciate the co-laborers that God has placed in my life.

The test, and the direction offered in the book, has been incredibly encouraging, humbling, and helpful. Peter T. I studied this commentary in my devotional times and was richly blessed by my deepening appreciation for the work of the Savior. This is a wonderful commentary. Gary A. To study the sonnets in greater detail I use this commentary.

Commentaries like this one do more than provide information for the reader, they inform our interpretation, and they sharpen our ability to read other poetry.

This is a paragraph-by-paragraph commentary of The Lord of the Rings. It is paginated to the retypeset 50th anniversary edition of LOTR. This commentary offers valuable background information that only the nerdiest Tolkien fans would ever discover without assistance. This beautifully designed commentary illuminates many details and helps me better appreciate the LOTR storyline. A huge biography 1, pages written with detail, clarity, and warmth, reflecting the close relationship the author enjoyed with Bonhoeffer.

I have completed about percent of this book so far, choosing to read it slowly on Sunday mornings between devotions and breakfast. Bonhoeffer was brilliant, and Bethge proves to have been a faithful and capable biographer. I look forward to waking early on Sundays to meet with Bethge.

Bruce Gordon, Calvin Yale, The superior force of his mind was evident in all that he did. He was also ruthless, and an outstanding hater. Stephen J. Teach kids church history and make them laugh, too?

This brilliant book raises the standard for Christian books written for little munchkins. No child is too young to be introduced to pillars of church history like Zacharias Ursinus. The deluxe edition includes an audio CD of the entire book, which our kids have listened to many times while riding around in the car or listening at night before bed. This audio version has made a deep impact in the lives of our kids.

We are on our third copy of the book they get trashed from heavy use in our home. Peter J. The book is a collection of brief fantasy stories, that each illustrate a particular Proverb. Leithart is an imaginative writer and these short stories are loaded with allegorical biblical inferences. I know of nothing like it, and few books have gained more widespread appreciation from the kids. After dinner we read a chapter from this book as a family.

Skip to content Home Books. Choosing my top two favorites published in was no challenge. He asked questions like these: What are the different ways one should read a book?

Why should certain books be read one way and other books read another way? Many of my greatest childhood adventures, and much of my growth after I was converted as a teenager, came through reading imagination-expanding and life-changing books.

He upholds biblical authority, and offers helpful guidance, while allowing for a variety of tastes. For book lovers, this is a treasure and delight. This is rich. This is a theology of literature. Exploring the art of imagination, the importance of parents raising readers, practical advice on time-management to create margin to read, and then the all important distraction management, Reinke is the best, intentional reader I know of: he reads voraciously, he reads widely, thoughtfully, and he reads for transformation into the reflection of Christ.

I want to someday read like this man. Russell D. You might wonder why you need to read about reading. Some of you have piles and piles of books on your shelves, or on your nightstand, but have no idea how to choose what to read, and when. This engagingly written book will make you think, but it will also provide practical, winsome advice on how to become the right kind of reader for the glory of God.

Packer , theologian and author :. Trevin Wax , blogger and author :. How to read, what to read, who to read, when to read, and why you should read — Tony Reinke answers all these questions and more in this very good and surprisingly brief book on reading. As he shows how reading can bring glory to God and growth to the church, Reinke encourages Christians to take up the discipline of reading widely and wisely.

Albert Mohler, Jr. Christians are people of the Book, and books are a very important part of Christian culture and Christian life. One of the most important gifts God has given us is the ability to read and to communicate from one mind to others by means of the printed page. Throughout the history of the Christian church, books have become some of the most cherished friends, teachers, and companions along the way.

But reading is a matter of spiritual discipline, not just a matter of literacy. In Lit! Tim Chester , director, The Porterbrook Institute , and author :. Not a lot when you think of all the books you could read. So should you include this book about books in your list? Because Lit will help you read the right books in the right way. Tony Reinke sets our reading in a biblical framework as well as providing practical tips to make the most of books.

I warmly commend it. Eric C. Redmond , pastor, author , and blogger :. With a discerning eye, Reinke captures the importance of the gospel story for our habits of reading, thus providing a worldview for reading. He challenges us to beware of how the carved images of the Internet can draw us away from the grace of reading for comprehension and simple delight. Yet he equally gives a proper place to secular literature among all types of works that those who love Christ should appreciate.

This is the sort of book that I have longed to place into the hands of believers in order to help churches recapture a love for literature and literacy — both biblical and extra-biblical. Practical and enjoyable, Lit! In it Tony helped me discover a number of areas in my thinking and my approach to reading that needed to change. Tim Challies , blogger and author :. Tony Reinke does not just read, but he reads well, and these are two very different things.

If you are not much of a reader, consider Lit a part of your education. Tony will teach you to read, to read widely and to read well. If you are already an avid reader, consider Lit an investment that will instruct you in how to read better.

Marcia Somerville , president, Lampstand Press , and author of the Tapestry of Grace homeschool curriculum:. Since God has chosen that ideas are best expressed in words, and that THE IDEA—the revelation of His Son as Lord and Savior—is to be learned through His timeless and matchless Word, Christians dare not lose sight of the primacy of books amidst the torrent of fast-moving, visual images of our culture.

Sustained reading must remain the heartbeat of any worthy educational program that seeks to produce Christian thinkers, leaders, and apologists. Homeschooling parents who are trying to craft reading lists as they raise Christian children will find gracious and principled guidance here. Was Jonathan Edwards Cross-Centered? Carson books and other resources […]. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

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